[Unbound-users] segfault when using dnstap at high load

Rogerio Bastos writeme at rogeriobastos.eti.br
Wed Apr 8 12:23:42 UTC 2015


I appreciate you help.

On 2015-04-08 00:43, Robert Edmonds wrote:
> Hi, Rogerio:
> Thanks for these details, I can easily spin up a dual core amd64 VM
> running Debian jessie soon and try to replicate the problem.
> Do you get a segfault immediately, or does it only occur after running
> for some time under load?

segfault occur after some time.

> Can you try testing with "num-threads: 1"?  (This will still result in
> multiple threads running in the Unbound process, but the dnstap I/O
> thread will only be consuming data from a single worker thread.)

I get the same error with "num-threads: 1".

> Also, can you compile your unbound package with debugging symbols and
> obtain a backtrace from a crash?  You should be able to build a
> debugging enabled package with:
>     DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS='nostrip debug' dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc -us
> Then, run "gdb --args unbound -d" until it crashes, and at the gdb
> prompt run:
>     thread apply all bt full

The output is attached.

> Thanks!
> Rogerio Bastos wrote:
>> On 2015-04-06 22:44, Robert Edmonds wrote:
>> >Rogerio Bastos wrote:
>> >>I'm trying to test unbound witk dnstap. It works fine with low load, but
>> >>exists with segfault at high load. The segfault only happens when dnstap
>> >>is
>> >>enabled in configuration.
>> >>
>> >>I am using the debian package (version 1.5.3) avaible in [1] and
>> >>recompiled
>> >>with dnstap enabled.
>> >>I'm following instruction descripted in [2] and using fstrm version
>> >>0.2.0.
>> >>
>> >>To test the server, I'm using dnsblast [3] with the follow command:
>> >>
>> >>./dnsblast <server address> 50000 500
>> >
>> >Hi, Rogerio:
>> >
>> >Sorry to hear that.  I would be happy to help debug dnstap (I wrote the
>> >dnstap patchset for Unbound).  Can I get some information about your
>> >environment?
>> >
>> >Can you show the "dnstap:" block of settings from your config, and the
>> >"num-threads" server setting?
>> I'm using optimisation settings based on [1] (the Debian version is 
>> compiled
>> with libevent):
>> server:
>>     num-threads: 2
>>     msg-cache-slabs: 2
>>     rrset-cache-slabs: 2
>>     infra-cache-slabs: 2
>>     key-cache-slabs: 2
>>     rrset-cache-size: 100m
>>     msg-cache-size: 50m
>>     outgoing-range: 8192
>>     num-queries-per-thread: 4096
>>     so-rcvbuf: 4m
>>     so-sndbuf: 4m
>> I'm using the example from dnstap's site [2]:
>> dnstap:
>>     dnstap-enable: yes
>>     dnstap-socket-path: "/var/run/unbound/dnstap.sock"
>>     dnstap-send-identity: yes
>>     dnstap-send-version: yes
>>     dnstap-log-resolver-response-messages: yes
>>     dnstap-log-client-query-messages: yes
>> >Does fstrm's "make check" test suite succeed?
>> Yes, all tests is ok.
>> >What version of protobuf-c are you using?  (Did you compile from source,
>> >or did you use a packaged version?)
>> The packaged version from Debian Jessie (version 1.0.2).
>> >What OS version are you using?  (Based on your mention of the Debian
>> >package from experimental, I would guess Debian or Ubuntu.)
>> Debian Jessie, the next-stable version.
>> >Are you using a uniprocessor or SMP machine?  Also, since there are some
>> >architecture-specific parts in fstrm, what architecture are you using?
>> I'm using a amd64 virtual machine with a two core CPU.
>> [1] https://www.unbound.net/documentation/howto_optimise.html
>> [2] http://dnstap.info/Examples/


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