[Unbound-users] How to use Alternative Other Root DNS server with DNSSEC validation

sthaug at nethelp.no sthaug at nethelp.no
Mon Aug 27 06:19:43 UTC 2012

> > What you are trying to accomplish is wrong. Scattering roots and losing
> > the global agreement on an address is just bad. I recommend you read:
> > 
> > http://nohats.ca/wordpress/blog/2012/04/09/you-cant-p2p-the-dns-and-have-it-too/
> > 
> > 
> > Paul
> Hello Paul, TRY to see what kind of mistake you are doing: you are
> saying me "What you are trying to accomplish is wrong" ! ... please
> direct that to alternative Root server operators or related person, and,
> also to icann/iana related person. Not an end user like me.  End user
> like me who is trying to use 'Unbound' like DNS resolver (and not a DNS
> server) on end-user OS like Windows XP,7, will use what already exists.

An end user like you explicitly *chooses* to use "alternative" roots.
If you choose to do so, you better be prepared to hear that some of
us regard it as wrong/stupid/whatever.

> I'm in mailing list, and started this email-thread, in the hope that
> there may be some people who are willing help on to get a working
> solution, not for discussing other issues.

Maybe you'll get help, and maybe you won't. I, for one, am not going
to use my time on "alternative" roots.

Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, sthaug at nethelp.no

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