[Unbound-users] multicast address alerts in logs

Alexander Clouter alex at digriz.org.uk
Fri Mar 4 21:48:26 UTC 2011

Michael Watters <wattersmt at gmail.com> wrote:
> We are running several unbound nodes using anycast and I keep seeing
> this error in the log files.
> Jan 18 11:07:15 rcn-b3s5-01 unbound: [3856:0] notice: sendto failed: Invalid argument
> Jan 18 11:07:15 rcn-b3s5-01 unbound: [3856:0] notice: remote address is port 53
> Are these anything to worry about?  What does this message actually mean?
Yes, as DNS queries are not being forwarded and most probably will fail.

The problem is that the source IP for those queries is probably 
incorrect, I am pretty sure 'outgoing-interface:' solves the problem but 
the proper way to solve it is to put your *anycast* address on your 
loopback interface :)

My website covers a anycasting with unbound (and DNS blacklisting):



Alexander Clouter
.sigmonster says: There are new messages.

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