Jostle logic seems to randomly stop working

A. Schulze sca at
Wed May 16 07:50:24 UTC 2018

Dmitri Kourennyi via Unbound-users:

> Most of the time, unbound works great. However, it seems that every  
> day when I
> come back home and fire up my PC, a vast majority of queries no longer work.
> Restarting unbound solves the issue.


I've a system that also require restarting unbound since 1-2 weeks
maybe related to the last updates to 1.7.0 or 1.7.1
I've also an other system that don't respond on some queries but  
become healthy again without restarts
But, I also have other systems without such symptoms. All are  
configured mostly in the same way.

No idea if there is is an relation to your problem and how to debug my  


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