testbound tests & convergence with Deckard

Petr Špaček petr.spacek at nic.cz
Wed Mar 22 18:16:07 UTC 2017


and thank you for testbound test suite!

Please accept my apology if this is not the right list but I was not
able to find unbound-devel list.

I've spent last weeks working on Deckard DNS test tool [1], which is
heavily inspired by testbound. It can be seen as generalization of
testbound for other DNS software. In fact it can run one set of tests on
Knot resolver, Unbound, and Power DNS Recursor. For some reason BIND
does not work under Deckard but it might have been a problem between
chair and keyboard.

My hope is that Deckard test tool and associated test suite [2] will
eventually match testbound capabilities and after that keep growing and
working on multiple resolvers at the same time. That would allow us to
share the same (large!) set of tests and test tooling, which could
hopefully lead to more reliable tool and bigger test coverage.

Sometimes I modify imported tests either to add some comments to them
(to ease my life later on) or improving the tests to e.g. work with
query name minimization and so on. For now I plan to send these small
changes to you so both test suites can stay syncronized until:
a) both test suites merge
b) the plan envisioned above turns out to be infeasible

What is the right approach to submit such test changes?
Would you accept pull requests on Github [3]?
It would be easier for me than sending e-mails around.

Let me know if you are interested in further cooperation on DNS software

Have a nice day!

[1] https://gitlab.labs.nic.cz/knot/deckard/blob/master/README.rst
[2] https://gitlab.labs.nic.cz/knot/deckard/tree/master/sets/resolver
[3] https://github.com/NLnetLabs/unbound

Petr Špaček  @  CZ.NIC

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