[Unbound-users] Cannot resolve the MX for bk.bund.de using unbound

Ralf Hildebrandt Ralf.Hildebrandt at charite.de
Thu Dec 13 09:12:47 UTC 2012

> >Good question, works fine here ;-)
> It looks like their RRSIGs got resigned today, so perhaps there were
> expired or not-yet valid RRSIGs? Or a botched key rollover?
> It seems to work fine now.

I'm still having problems:

root at mail2:~# dig @ -t mx bk.bund.de

; <<>> DiG 9.8.1-P1 <<>> @ -t mx bk.bund.de
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 48547
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

;bk.bund.de. IN MX

;; Query time: 25 msec
;; WHEN: Thu Dec 13 10:12:01 2012
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 28

How can I debug this further?

Ralf Hildebrandt                   Charite Universitätsmedizin Berlin
ralf.hildebrandt at charite.de        Campus Benjamin Franklin
http://www.charite.de              Hindenburgdamm 30, 12203 Berlin
Geschäftsbereich IT, Abt. Netzwerk fon: +49-30-450.570.155

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